Arcangelo's Tube Map
A New Map in London Underground's Iconic Style
This new tube map has been redrawn in the classic octolinear style of London, which uses only horizontal, vertical, and 45-degree diagonal lines. It distinctively employs a predetermined grid to reinforce symmetry and enhance readability.

As a tribute to the pioneering works of Harry Beck and Paul Garbutt, who crafted their iconic maps with simple tools, the initial draft was created using colouring pens and paper before undergoing digital refinement.
An Improved Depiction of the London Underground Network
The map is structured around the traditional main features of the underground network. The Circle line is depicted with an enlarged and stylised geographical shape, echoing the first Beck map. The horizontal (Central line) and vertical (Northern line) axes feature straight lines reminiscent of the original Garbutt design. The new supplementary axes (Elizabeth line, Thameslink) have been depicted with innovative configurations. These four axes are vital routes for navigating London, requiring clear representations, especially in the central sections. Positioned at the very centre of the map, the visual landmark of the West End "cross shield" of lines provides immediate orientation.

The use of a grid with a fixed minimum distance between lines has resulted in expanded and clearer intersections, improving readability. Additional information such as rail stations, accessibility, and fare zones are presented in a manner that is not visually intrusive. Nevertheless, the map includes all information displayed on the current TfL Tube Map, along with additional details such as the Riverbus service, peak services of the Elizabeth Line, and more than 30 additional walking links, promoting their use.
Mapping Clarity: Eleven Revisions and Six Versions
Arcangelo's diagram of lines has undergone regular revisions since the completion of the first digital map (MFNS01) in July 2023. The current revision (MFNS11) was finalised in June 2024. Unlike the previous one, the depiction of walking links was simplified and now includes only one type of dashed line, no longer showing the difference between short and long walking links.
The map has been produced in six versions, including the Easy-To-Read, and the Phonemic Tube Map.

The Easy-To-Read Map features ultra-bold text for frequently searched stations (i.e., high number of passengers, line and service termini, before branch divisions), and red text when there is information that needs to be checked before travelling (e.g., temporary closures, possible problems with fares or use of oyster card).
The Phonemic Tube Map, or /CHUÛB MAP/, has adopted the L-IFA Phonemic Alphabet to show the pronunciation of all stations in the current British pronunciation. It is for Learners of English as an additional language.
Octolinear Tube Maps
From H. Beck to M. Noad: a history of accuracy and simplicity
External Links: the Map on Other Sites
♦ Chuub Map (Phonemic) [MFNS03(2023/09)/Phonemic] Project Mapping, seen October 2023
♦ The New London Underground Map Where All the Station Names are Changed to Help Tourists [MFNS04(2023/09)/Phonemic] T. Kolade, MyLondon, 2023
♦ #Notizie da Londra [MFNS04(2023/09)/Phonemic] C. Amato, La Mia Vita A Londra (Facebook), 2023
♦ The Easy-To-Read Map of the London Underground [MFNS08(2024/02)/Easy-To-Read] r/TransitDiagrams (Reddit), 2024
♦ Easy To Read Tube Map with New Overground Colours [MFNS10(2024/04)/Easy-To-Read] r/LondonUnderground (Reddit), 2024
♦ If Harry Beck drew the Tube Map today, it will look like this [MFNS10(2024/05)/Legacy] r/London (Reddit), 2024
♦ Rush Hour Tube Map... if you wonder where everyone is going [MFNS11(2024/06)/Rush-hour] r/LondonUnderground (Reddit), 2024
♦ Check out this fantastic Rush Hour Tube Map [MFNS11(2024/06)/Rush-hour] Tooting Newsie (Instagram), 2024
♦ Hottest and noisiest tube line is actually the best during the rush hour - here is why [MFNS11(2024/06)/Rush-hour] S Odeen-Isbister, Metro, 2024
Arcangelo's Tube Map (diagram of lines); Easy To Read Tube Map (diagram of lines with standard spelling); Respelled Tube Map (diagram of lines with BBC-style respelling); and Phonemic Tube Map or /CHUÛB MAP/ (diagram of lines with L-IFA phonemic respelling) - Copyright © M. Arcangelo Martiello, 2022-2024. All rights reserved. Copyright protected with Reference Numbers: 20818130523S039; and 20818230723S009. Reproduction in whole or in part, by any means, without the prior written permission is strictly prohibited. Elements of design that are original and have not been previously published are under the copyright of the author. In the event that TfL copyright elements of design are present, they are reproduced under the exception that the use of this map is for non-commercial research or private study. This map is an educational project and is not for sale. We kindly request that if you encounter this map available for purchase, you inform us through the contact form. The L-IFA phonemic alphabet is also copyrighted by the author. The information displayed on this map is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date stated on the map. The author is not affiliated with TfL or any of its subsidiaries, and this map is not an official map of the London Underground.